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  • 1Kg Thermoplastic Elastomer TPE Sample Bag

    ₹ 24600/K.G

    14 day delivery

    Products & Application Summary

    Order any of the below to test the efficacy of the the mix or submit a custom RFQ on our site (View top Navigation Bar) for special combination request. You can also contact our central WhatsApp number for support and consultation prior to placing the order online or to get conventional 

    ➢ SEBS Specialized Series – car mat ,Car pedal pad, automobile parts, and other automotive peripheral products. 

    ➢ H Series – W class- bicycle handlebars, pedals, cushions N class - pliers handles T class - goggles and waterproof liners C class - rehabilitation ball, fitness equipment F class - teethers, gasket, sealing, utensils, dining bowls, toys H class - resistance band 

    ➢ HG Series - toothbrush, kitchen utensils, slip mats, toy 

    ➢ HS Series - hand tool handles, gardening tools, garden scissors, eraser 

    ➢ HR Series - shoe, shoe insole material, medical gear, heel counter 

    ➢ HN Series - Pneumatic tools, hand tools, power tools and sporting products 

    ➢ HA Series - 3C products, medical products, tape measure, equipment accessories.

    ➢ TPV Series - Automotive industry、 Consumer goods、 Electronic wire ➢ TPU Series - Footwear, Wires, and cables Industrial applications. 

    Applications this product line of materials is used in: 



    ➢3C Equipment 

    ➢Medical Supplies 

    ➢Sporting Goods 

    ➢Kitchen Supplies 


    ➢Industrial Products 

    ➢Stationery Accessories 

    ➢Household & Commodities

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